Monday, July 23, 2012

Let's start...

with the book we've all been waiting for... Jersey Angel!

From Goodreads, the synopsis is:  It’s the summer before senior year and the alluring Angel is ready to have fun. She’s not like her best friend, Inggy, who has a steady boyfriend, good grades, and college plans. Angel isn’t sure what she wants to do yet, but she has confidence and experience beyond her years. Still, her summer doesn’t start out as planned. Her good friend Joey doesn’t want to fool around anymore, he wants to be her boyfriend, while Angel doesn’t want to be tied down. As Joey pulls away, and Inggy tours colleges, Angel finds herself spending more time with Inggy’s boyfriend, Cork. With its cast of vivid and memorable characters, this tale from the Jersey shore is sure to make some waves.

Personally, I had mixed reviews about the book. I loved it for the realism and the how raw the character is in the sense that we can see right through her. Angel is portrayed as anything but an angel- she fools around, betrays her best friend, and can't see that what Joey wants is sweet and innocent. Instead, she does things she soon comes to regret. What I and a lot of the readers have mixed feelings is the open nature of the discussion of the sexual acts Angel commits. Yes, the author has the right to write as what she pleases, but it must come in mind this book is a YA book, and not an adult. There is no warning of the content of this book, so any young teen may come across this book, and read something that might not want to be read. But despite that, I give this book 3.5 stars out 5 for the open discussion, controversy that rises, and the true rawness of the character- a character we usually idolize as the "it girl". By seeing her weaknesses and the change of character she goes through, we experience something unique. So read this book, but be warned of the sometimes crude and harsh language and description! 

Stay tuned readers and followers, because I will be giving a special giveaway of this book for all US residents! So follow away, because since I'm a new blogger, the chances of you getting this book will be HUGE :)


  1. Sounds interesting :) Thanks for sharing. I couldn't find the GFC or RSS follow, but I will stop back by.

    1. Sorry about that! Just fixed the settings, so it should be fine now! Thanks so much for coming by, and stay tuned for the giveaway! :)
