Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Back from vaca!

Hey guys :)

Didn't get a chance to post until this morning! Just came back home last night, and it feels good to be back at home! Anyway, I have lots of reviews to come because of what I've read on the plane and the books I've gotten in the mail while I was away.

I started reading Lauren Kate's Fallen series, and let me tell you I'm obsessed! Started on the plane trip back home, and I'm already on the third book this morning! So I will have a HUGE review for the whole series in a few days.

Also, books I've gotten in the mail thanks to Random Buzzers: Fury's Fire by Lisa Papademetriou and Blood Magic by Tessa Gratton. Can't wait to get started on those two and tell you how it goes :) Meanwhile, let's all enjoy the rest of the summer, and I would love to hear what was your favorite book this summer so far. Now that I've some time, I'll try expanding my blog, making some changes, and adding some awesome stuff (and not to mention catch up on my tv shows :3). So expect some serious renovation!!  

P.S. If any of you are still interested in trying out Random Buzzers, comment below! I still have a couple of special codes left :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Recommendations for travel reads and way to get a free book!

Hey guys! 

So I will be traveling to the east coast this week!! :D And who doesn't love reading in airplanes? ;)
But I don't even know where to start with what books I should take :O What do you guys recommend? Maybe some sort of travel read? (think 13 Little Blue Envelopes?) Anyway I would love to hear your opinions!

 I'm coming to see ya soon Statue of Libertaaay (and Broadway I hope!)
 Source: http://rsi-insurance.com/images/New-York-City.jpeg

 Also, if you guys haven't heard of Random Buzzers, you should definitely check it out! It's a great free site for all types of readers to interact, learn about books, chat with authors, and collect points to get books!* That's how I got to host the Jersey Angel giveaway! So thank you Random Buzzers, and be sure to check out my Jersey Angel review and giveaway if you haven't already! Also, if you're interested in joining this site, let me know, because Random Buzzers gave me a few special activation codes that would give you enough points to get a free book right away! So if you would like that, please comment away letting me know that you're interested in getting a special code. Be sure to leave an email or a way for me to contact you :)
Source: http://static.randombuzzers.com/images/RandomBuzzers_Button.jpg

And don't forget, I would love to hear your thoughts on summer travel reads

Also, I will have some other exciting news to post soon :D Yay, that's all for now!

*Note, Random Buzzers is not endorsing this post in any way, and I'm not receiving anything in return. All thoughts are completely my own, and I'm not benefiting in any way.